Sample Assignment: Lists and Links


This assignment aims to familiarize you with various types of lists in HTML and how to incorporate external links in your content.

External References:


  1. Create an unordered list of your top 5 favorite movies.
  2. Create an ordered list of steps to bake a cake.
  3. Create a description list where you define 3 HTML terms.
  4. Include at least 2 external links within your content (they can be references, related articles, etc.).

HTML Terms:

Stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.
A distinct component of HTML. It represents some kind of structure or content and might include tags, content, and other attributes.
Provides additional information about an element's default behavior. For example, the 'href' attribute in an anchor (<a>) tag indicates the link's destination.


After you've created your page with the required lists and links, save your work and submit according to your instructor's guidelines.